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Dance as if you're the music itself. 02/13/2014


Tango Zen Journal, February 13, 2024

Dance as if you're the music itself.

There are so many performances in the world, but I can only stand to watch a handful for more than a few seconds. "They dance all the same, all the same!" had been said by Osvaldo Cartery at one point. The dance of Horacio Godoy and Cecilia Berra, however, is the most remarkable; it never ceases to amaze me.

What stands out about their performance are:

*Their ability to embody the song through dancing.

*Their enthusiasm for dancing is evident, providing enormous pleasure to the onlooker.

*I can perceive every nuance of the song through their movements, and even when the sound is turned off, their subtle movements allow me to "hear" it.

What we can learn from seeing them dance is that in order to have pleasure when dancing, we need to give our full attention to the music and try to make sense of its complexities.

I am curious about your feedback.

Enjoy dancing,

Chan Park


Baila como si fueras la música misma.

Hay tantas actuaciones en el mundo, pero solo puedo soportar ver unas pocas durante más de unos segundos. Osvaldo Cartery dijo en un momento, "¡Todos bailan igual, todos igual!" Sin embargo, el baile de Horacio Godoy y Cecilia Berra es el más notable; nunca deja de asombrarme.

Lo que destaca de su actuación son:

*Su habilidad para encarnar la canción a través del baile.

*Su entusiasmo por bailar es evidente, brindando un enorme placer al espectador.

*Puedo percibir cada matiz de la canción a través de sus movimientos, e incluso cuando el sonido está apagado, sus movimientos sutiles me permiten "escucharlo".

Lo que podemos aprender al verlos bailar es que, para disfrutar bailando, necesitamos prestar toda nuestra atención a la música e intentar comprender sus complejidades.

Tengo curiosidad por saber tu opinión.

Disfruta bailando,

Chan Park



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