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Is embrace different in Buenos Aires?


Hello friends, I touched down in Buenos Aires this morning, marking my third visit this year, and the sense of gratitude is overwhelming. During my last stay in July and August, which lasted three weeks, I haven't had the chance to dance close to home since. The unique embrace I felt in Buenos Aires is something I truly miss. This brings me back to pondering: Is embrace different in Buenos Aires? Undoubtedly, the answer is yes, but articulating the 'how' and 'why' is challenging. To truly grasp it, one must immerse themselves in the experience. My dear friend, Cyrena Drusine, who shares my passion for tango, has tried to elucidate the distinctiveness of the Buenos Aires embrace. She portrays it as an intense, profound connection – a dance of emotions and touch that is singular to this city. “Many foreigners flock to Buenos Aires to experience the Argentine tango embrace, because many claim that the feeling is different than in other countries. Maybe this is because the tango embrace is an expression of the Argentine culture, history, and identity. The Argentines often have a deeper understanding of tango, because the music and the lyrics are part of their history But the embrace is not the only thing that is different; it is the feeling of tango in Buenos Aires, not just in the milongas, but in the air, walking down the cobblestone streets, in the cafés, in the houses, in the taxicab rides, and in the relationships. This is the feeling that continues to draw people from all over the world, to dance here, in the mecca of tango Most tango connoisseurs say, to really dance Argentine tango, one must eat, breathe, and live it here. Only then will you be able to truly feel and dance authentic Argentine tango.” For those unfamiliar with the Buenos Aires embrace, I invite you to visit and feel it firsthand. Chan Park Tango Zen Source: Tango and Its Powerful Embrace, Cyrena Drusine, TEDxAsociaciónEscuelasLincoln, #BuenosAires #ArgentineTango #TangoEmbrace #TangoCulture #TangoExperience #TangoMindfulness #tangoexperience #tangoconnection #tangoimmersion #dancepassion #TangoZen #TangoYourLife #TangoEmbrace



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