"Connected or Not: That’s the Question" 12/03/2024
Tango Zen Journal, December 3, 2024 "Connected or Not: That’s the Question" "¿Conectados o no? Esa es la cuestión" Reflecting on my...

Why Do You Talk While Dancing? - ¿Por qué hablas mientras bailas?
Have you seen dancers talking while dancing at a milonga? To be honest, it bothers me a lot when someone is talking next to me while...

Unveiling Tango's Depth - Descubriendo la profundidad del tango
Tango is more than just steps and movements—it’s about connecting deeply with the music, your partner, and yourself. It’s not about...

Lost in Sound: The Puzzle of Movement Without Musical Connection 09/24/2024
Tango Zen Journal, September 24, 2024 Lost in Sound: The Puzzle of Movement Without Musical Connection Perdido en el Sonido: El Enigma...

Slow Down and Feel the Music - Anda más Lento y Siente la Música
Tango invites us to slow down and truly feel the music. It's more than just steps—it's a dance of the heart and soul. 🌌 Let the music...

Musicality, Sensibility and Sensuality - Musicalidad, Sensibilidad y Sensualidad
People often ask me what they need to truly enjoy dancing tango, and I always return to three essential qualities that elevate the...

Lessons from Milongueros: Connecting Through Tango - Lecciones de los Milongueros: Conectar a Través del Tango
In the world of tango, the wisdom of the milongueros offers invaluable insights not only for dancing but for life itself. These seasoned...

Tango is a journey, not a destination - Tango es un viaje, no un destino.~Ricardo Vidort
In tango, we often aim for perfection, but it's important to remember that the dance is about the journey, not the end goal. Each step,...

Yin and Yang in Tango: Embracing Balance - Yin y Yang en el Tango: Abrazando el Equilibrio -
Yin and Yang, key concepts in Chinese philosophy, represent opposite yet complementary forces. Yin is linked with darkness, passivity,...

How Tango Reflects the Law of Attraction - Cómo el Tango Refleja la Ley de Atracción -
The Law of Attraction suggests that we draw into our lives what we focus on, be it positive or negative. Our thoughts, feelings, and...

Practice, Practice, Practice - Práctica, práctica, práctica
Achieving resonance between partners while walking and dancing in Tango involves a deep connection that goes beyond mere physical...

Love and Romance in Milongas 04/17/2024
Tango Zen Journal, April 17, 2024 Love and Romance in Milongas Ever wondered about the love and romance that permeate the air when...

From Inner Universe to Outer Harmony - Del universo interior a la armonía exterior
Tango Zen Principle 3 highlights a profound connection: Our inner universe is the gateway to the external universe. In the embrace of...

Dancing Tango with Heart: A Path to Deeper Connection
Dancing Tango with Heart: A Path to Deeper Connection Bailar Tango con el Corazón: Un Camino hacia una Conexión Más Profunda In tango,...

Exploring the Heart of Milonga 02/20/2024
Tango Zen Journal, February 20, 2024 Exploring the Heart of Milonga Diving into the essence of milongas recently led to an enlightening...