To Be, Not to Do - Ser, No Hacer
Stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start experiencing them by degree of presence. Deja de medir los días por el grado de...
Intention Energizes Connection - La Intención Energiza la Conexión
Tango Zen Principle 5: Our intention is the energy that brings the connection to life. In the heart of Tango, it's not just our steps...
Steps to a Soulful Dance - Pasos para un Baile con Alma
Dancing is not just a series of steps to music; it's an expressive journey where two souls meet and move in harmony. To elevate your...
Exploring the Heart of Milonga 02/20/2024
Tango Zen Journal, February 20, 2024 Exploring the Heart of Milonga Diving into the essence of milongas recently led to an enlightening...