Tango Zen teaches nothing
Tango Zen teaches nothing; it simply guides us to wake up and connect. It does not intend to teach, it invites us to feel. Tango Zen no...

How can you dance mindfully? - ¿Cómo puedes bailar con atención plena?
Mindfulness is the energy of being awake and aware. When we are mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of...

Dancing with Mindfulness: The Zen Approach to Tango Milonguero - Bailando con Atención Plena: El Enfoque Zen al Tango Milonguero
Tango Milonguero, a dance of passion and tradition, thrives in the social atmosphere of milongas, emphasizing close embrace and a deep...

Beginner’s Mind - Mente de Principiante
In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few. ~Shunryu Suzuki When we dance Tango with a...

Dancing with Mindfulness: The Zen Approach to Tango Milonguero
Tango Milonguero, a captivating dance rooted in tradition, thrives in the social setting known as a milonga. This passionate dance style...