Why do you copy others to dance tango? ¿Por qué copias a otros para bailar tango?
Why do you copy others to dance tango? Be still and there it is, in the rhythm, in the embrace, in yourself. Explore the authentic joy of...
"I lose my balance when I dance tango."
"I lose my balance when I dance tango." "Pierdo el equilibrio cuando bailo tango." On the dance floor, many want to improve their...
Tango: Where Emotions Dance and Messages Whisper
Effective communication is an art, not just a skill. It's about understanding the unspoken language of emotions and connecting with your...
Milonga Memories: A Night of Soulful Connections at Milonga Remembranzas, 08/12/2023
Milonga Memories: A Night of Soulful Connections at Milonga Remembranzas Last night's Milonga Remembranzas, hosted by Norma Avalos and...