Energizing Steps: The Dynamics of Dancing in Harmony - Pasos Energizantes: La Dinámica de Bailar en Armonía
Let's continue with "Resonance: Walking as One with the Music." 3. Walk in Harmony: As you move, be acutely aware of the energy that...

Resonance: Walking as One with the Music - Resonancia: Caminando como Uno con la Música
Ricardo Vidort once imparted a piece of wisdom that resonates deeply with every tango dancer: “My advice is, walk, walk…always in the...

Exploring the Heart of Milonga 02/20/2024
Tango Zen Journal, February 20, 2024 Exploring the Heart of Milonga Diving into the essence of milongas recently led to an enlightening...

Tango: An Embrace of Music and AwarenessEl Tango: Un Abrazo de Música y Conciencia
Sound or vibration is the most powerful force in the universe. Music is a divine art, to be used not only for pleasure but as a path to...

Listen to the Silence: Pauses in Your Dance 🎶
Have you ever felt the power of silence in your dance? In tango, there is a unique and enchanting language that speaks through the...

A milonguero is a slave to the music, the tempo, and the space. - Cacho Dante
A milonguero is a slave to the music, the tempo, and the space. When he dances, music invades his body and is translated into his steps...