Musicality, Sensibility and Sensuality - Musicalidad, Sensibilidad y Sensualidad
People often ask me what they need to truly enjoy dancing tango, and I always return to three essential qualities that elevate the...
Tango is...like love. El tango es…como el amor.-Carlos Gavito
The tango is difficult to describe - like love. The dancers try to paint on the floor what the music describes for them. It's more than a...

Love and Romance in Milongas 04/17/2024
Tango Zen Journal, April 17, 2024 Love and Romance in Milongas Ever wondered about the love and romance that permeate the air when...

Lose a Heart to Gain a Heart - Pierde un Corazón para Ganar un Corazón
"You will not win the Beloved’s heart unless you lose your own." - Rumi Embarking on the tango journey mirrors the quest for a deeper...

How Tango Reflects the Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is a powerful, universal principle suggesting that we attract into our lives whatever we focus on, whether positive...

Tango is pleasure
Tango is pleasure. Tango is often viewed as a complex dance with endless steps to learn, leading many dancers to feel frustrated and...
Why Does This Dance Video Keep Drawing Me Back In?
Hey guys, Have you ever stumbled upon a tango dance video that you just couldn't stop watching? For me, it's this one particular video by...