Lessons from Milongueros: Connecting Through Tango - Lecciones de los Milongueros: Conectar a Través del Tango
In the world of tango, the wisdom of the milongueros offers invaluable insights not only for dancing but for life itself. These seasoned...

Competitive Tango: Dancing to Impress or Express? - ¿Tango Competitivo: Bailar para Impresionar o Expresar?
Ever noticed how tango competitions can sometimes feel like a parade of robots, each performing identical, emotionless movements? At a...

Tango teaches us to embrace change and flow with the music
Tango is a way of life, not just a dance. Tango is beautiful because it can teach us important life lessons, like how to accept change...

Mamma Bella dances tango ❤️
Mamma Bella dances tango. ❤️ Mamma Bella is Silvia’s mother and a beginner tango dancer. Silvia is my organizer in Rome and hosts tango...
Pleasure of Tango
One of my tango friends, Quique, said this about his Tango experience: “Tango is a pleasure as two bodies bond and communicate with each...

🤔Tango is? ❤️
I posed this question to my Tango friends in the documentary Tango Your Life:: “Can you define Tango with one word?” Their responses are:...

Less Is More
Less is more. Really? Most people nod their heads when they hear “Less is more.” It means having fewer things can lead to a better or...
Practicing tango embrace
The tango embrace is a key element of tango dancing, and is characterized by a close connection and physical contact between the two...
Dancing with hearth
☯ We come across situations or words that we understand, feel, or taste but can't put into words. "Dancing with heart" is one of these...

Tango is more about being than doing
☯ Tango is a beautiful and intimate dance that is characterized by close embraces and a focus on musicality and connection with the...
❤️ The Mindful Approach to Tango
Tango Milonguero is a traditional tango dance in a social setting known as a milonga. It is characterized by a close and intimate embrace...

Tango Math
“To say so much with so few words is the power of math.” Unknown We all started there. First, our tango journey started by learning the...

Tango Is Embrace
How to get better at tango embrace The tango embrace is one of the most important parts of tango dancing. It involves close physical...