Chan Park's Tango Zen Journey El Viaje de Tango Zen de Chan Park
Here's a sneak peek of "Chan Park's Tango Zen Journey." This teaser dives into how Chan Park, a former NASA engineer, became captivated...

Kassel Adventures Part 2: Discovering Tango Zen 02/01/2024
Tango my Life, February 1, 2024 Kassel Adventures Part 2: Discovering Tango Zen Let's dive back into the highlights of my weekend in...

Preparing for Tango Zen Workshop 01/23/2024
Tango my Life, January 23, 2024 Preparing for Tango Zen Workshop Years ago, during my visits to Rome for Tango Zen Workshops, I was asked...

Benefits of Tango Zen
Tango Zen is the art of dancing tango while nurturing both your body and mind. Tango Zen, intertwining meditation and tango dancing,...

Tango Zen Things
Focus on one step at a time. Don't try to think about all of the steps at once or to rush ahead. Simply focus on the step you are taking...