As above, so below.― Hermes Trismegistus
As you dance with your partner to the beat of the music, remember, "As above, so below." Every step you take in your dance isn't just a...

Cabeceo, invite someone to invite you
When it comes to cabeceo, I hear comments like these, especially from followers: "At a milonga, I keep looking around to see if anyone is...
Practicing tango embrace
The tango embrace is a key element of tango dancing, and is characterized by a close connection and physical contact between the two...

🧸Beginner’s Mind
☯ In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few. —Shunryu Suzuki 🕉 When we dance Tango with a...

Lead, follow, surrender
☯ Dancing tango is to lead, follow, and surrender. But to what do you surrender? ☯ Surrendering in tango means giving up control and...

Dance Here Now
Dance Here Now While dancing Tango, one should be mindful of each movement, both of one’s own and one’s partner – moment by moment,...

👫Two Bodies, One Heart ❤️
👫Two Bodies, One Heart ❤️ When two partners embrace to dance Tango, the connection has to be established and sustained throughout the...