Patience is vital in tango - La paciencia es vital en el tango.
Patience is vital in tango. It's tough but rewarding, nourishing the connection with your partner and the progress of your dance. Tango...
Tango and Zen: A Dance Beyond Words - Tango y Zen: Un Baile Más Allá de las Palabras
Ever caught yourself deep in debates over the essence of tango or which style reigns supreme? While those discussions have their place,...
The Art of Connection:Music, Embrace, and Emotion - El Arte de la Conexión:Música, Abrazo y Emoción
Let's explore the art of connection in "Resonance: Walking as One with the Music." 2. Connect Physically and Emotionally: Fully embrace...
Tango Zen Journal, 02/29/2024
Tango Zen Highlighted in Buenos Aires Media Hello friends, I'm thrilled to share some wonderful news with you! Recently, 'Agenda...
Tango: Where Emotions Dance and Messages Whisper
Effective communication is an art, not just a skill. It's about understanding the unspoken language of emotions and connecting with your...
Finding Stillness in Dance
Cultivate Stillness Within Motion Discover the serenity of stillness within dance. Cultivate moments of tranquility amidst the flowing...
Practice “dancing with heart.”
Practice “dancing with heart.” Are you tired of just going through the motions when you dance? Do you want to bring more meaning and...