Dance Here Now
While dancing Tango, one should be mindful of each movement, both of one’s own and one’s partner – moment by moment, with total...

Musicality, sensibility, and sensuality
People often ask what they have to do to truly enjoy dancing tango. My answer always revolves around three essential qualities one should...

Ground Yourself and Increase Your Pleasure When Dancing
Groundedness is essential for tango dancers who want to increase their pleasure when dancing. It is the state of being connected to the...

Dance Here Now
While dancing Tango, one should be mindful of each movement, both of one’s own and one’s partner – moment by moment, with total...

La Vida en Tango
Bienvenidos a "La Vida en Tango" (originalmente "Tango Your Life"), una película documental que explora la profundidad del tango y...

Letting go
Whatever feelings and thoughts arise while dancing Tango — just let them pass with no attachment to anything. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Zen teaches us to...

Two Bodies, One Heart
When two partners embrace to dance Tango, the connection has to be established and sustained throughout the dance. Zen invites us to...

Resonance: The Heartbeat of Tango 💖🎶
Resonance is a physics marvel where two objects vibrating at their shared natural frequency lead to an elevated state of energy. Now,...

"...think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla"
"What can tango dancers learn from Nikola Tesla's statement? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms...

Music: The Heart of TangoMúsica: El Corazón del Tango
As air is life to our body, music is a driving force in the mind while dancing Tango. Music is heard in the present moment, a tangible...

"Master your instrument, Master the music, and then forget all that bullshit and just play."-
Charlie Parker, known as "Bird," was a pioneering American jazz saxophonist and composer (1920-1955). He significantly influenced the...
Taller Meditación Tango Buenos Aires / The Tango Meditation Workshop in Buenos Aires
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Taller de Meditación Tango en Buenos Aires es una mezcla única de atención plena y el apasionante arte del Tango Argentino. Es...

“Meditation doesn't have a reason or purpose.” Alan Watts
"We could say that meditation doesn't have a reason or purpose. In this respect, it's unlike almost all other things we do, except...

🧸Beginner’s Mind
☯ In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few. —Shunryu Suzuki 🕉 When we dance Tango with a...
☯ Expressing Our Nature—Buddha Nature
🕉 Buddha nature refers to the innate potential within all beings to achieve enlightenment or Buddhahood. It is not limited to the...

Practice, practice, practice..
Maintaining a sense of repetition is essential if we want to achieve complete mental absorption and release when dancing Tango. The Zen...

Tango Your Life: A Film That Will Inspire and Move You
🙌 Welcome to Tango Your Life, a movie that goes deep into tango and shows how it can change and improve our lives. This movie will speak...

Dance Here Now
Dance Here Now While dancing Tango, one should be mindful of each movement, both of one’s own and one’s partner – moment by moment,...

👫Two Bodies, One Heart ❤️
👫Two Bodies, One Heart ❤️ When two partners embrace to dance Tango, the connection has to be established and sustained throughout the...