From Inner Universe to Outer Harmony - Del universo interior a la armonía exterior
Tango Zen Principle 3 highlights a profound connection: Our inner universe is the gateway to the external universe. In the embrace of...
Dancing Tango with Heart: A Path to Deeper Connection
Dancing Tango with Heart: A Path to Deeper Connection Bailar Tango con el Corazón: Un Camino hacia una Conexión Más Profunda In tango,...
Your Tango, Your Story Tu Tango, Tu Historia
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. -George Bernard Shaw In tango, as in life, the journey is not just...
Exploring the Heart of Milonga 02/20/2024
Tango Zen Journal, February 20, 2024 Exploring the Heart of Milonga Diving into the essence of milongas recently led to an enlightening...
Dialogue of Souls in Tango - Diálogo de Almas en el Tango
Know all the theories, master all the techniques but as you touch a human soul be just another human soul. -Carl Jung In tango, we often...
The Depth of Silence in Tango - La profundidad del silencio en el tango
Every word has consequences. Every silence too. - Sartre In the dance of tango, silence is not just the absence of sound. It is a...
Our heart is not a pump! 01/02/2024
The holidays offered a chance to dive into a fascinating book - "Human Heart, Cosmic Heart" by Dr. Cowan. It started with a mind-blowing...
Two Bodies, One Heart / Dos Cuerpos, Un Corazón
When two partners embrace to dance Tango, their connection is established and sustained throughout the dance. It is a reflection of Zen's...
“¡Qué tanda!”, 12/12/2023
“¡Qué tanda!” I’ve been talking a lot lately about the dance quality I enjoy while dancing tango in Buenos Aires. Some people ask what I...
The Invisible Connection: Electromagnetic Fields in Tango
As tango dancers flow across the floor, their bodies radiate an invisible energy – electromagnetic fields (EMFs). These fields, though...
Is embrace different in Buenos Aires?
Hello friends, I touched down in Buenos Aires this morning, marking my third visit this year, and the sense of gratitude is overwhelming....
Tango is a journey, not a destination. - Ricardo Vidort
In the embrace of the dance, we often seek perfection, forgetting that tango is a journey, not a destination. As Ricardo Vidort...
Discovering Tango's Hidden Depths
To many, tango appears as a dance of intricate steps, poised movements, and the desire to impress onlookers—all elements of the tip of...
A Mature Tango Dancer Defined...
A mature tango dancer is the one who dances with a sense of freedom and authenticity, expressing their true selves through movement and...
Dancing Tango is not about doing but being.
Tango isn't just about the steps or the rhythm. It's about feeling the dance deep down and truly being present in the moment. When we...
Listening is a very deep practice. Thich Nhat Hanh
Listening is more than just hearing the music; it's feeling every note, understanding the emotions conveyed, and letting it guide your...
Musicality, sensibility, and sensuality
People often ask what they have to do to truly enjoy dancing tango. My answer always revolves around three essential qualities one should...
Harmonizing Tango and Meditation: A Dance of Mindful Connection, 08/29/2023
Harmonizing Tango and Meditation: A Dance of Mindful Connection It's been about more than a week since I got back from my unexpected...
Chop wood, carry water. 🪓 🪣- Zen Proverb
While it's tempting to endlessly watch tango videos online, hoping to grasp the art's every nuance, it's vital to recognize that genuine...
La Vida en Tango
Bienvenidos a "La Vida en Tango" (originalmente "Tango Your Life"), una película documental que explora la profundidad del tango y...